Investment Consultation
Investment Consultation begins with a rigorous analysis of your existing portfolio of holdings. We will examine all accounts, privately held or employer based, to make sure they are appropriately allocated and invested consistent with your overall risk tolerance.
Current portfolio analysis
We will examine your existing portfolio of holdings. We will look at your stocks, mutual funds, and ETF and review their performance, peer rankings, expenses, etc. to get a complete picture of your holdings and how they all fit in your overall portfolio.
IPS/Investment Policy Statement
We will work together to create a custom IPS/Investment Policy Statement to document your unique situation. The IPS will address high level assumptions, your investment goals, and your individual risk tolerance. The IPS will help to guide your selection of the appropriate asset allocation and portfolio.
Initial recommendations for adjustments
We will evaluate your current portfolio and compare it to the recommendations that come out of our analysis. We will offer specific recommendations for adjustments and help you to put a risk-appropriate portfolio in place.
*We can help you to implement the recommendations within the context of your existing holdings and accounts.
Ongoing monitoring and feedback
We can review your accounts and positions semi-annually and provide individualized feedback. This feedback will include specific recommendations for adjustments and rebalancing.
*We can help you to implement the ongoing adjustments within the context of your existing holdings and accounts.
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